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FLAIRS 1998 Organization
PDFGenerating Diagnoses from Conflict Sets
PDFIs Intelligent Belief Really Beyond Logic?
PDFProbSy – A System for the Calculation of Probabilities in the Card Game Bridge
PDFPropagating Probabilities in System P
PDFRelevance-based Sequential Evidence Processing in Bayesian Networks
PDFFundamental Considerations of Competence Assessment for Validation
PDFCharacterizing Sufficient Expertise for Learning Systems Validation
PDFInvestigating the Validity of a Test Case Selection Methodology for Expert System Validation
PDFKnowledge Refinement During Developmental andField Validation of Expert Systems
PDFVariants of Validity and their Impact on the Overall Test Space
PDFFLAIRS 1998 Invited Talks
PDFLearning to Race: Experiments with a Simulated Race Car
PDFMulti-Version Systems of Neural networks for Predicting the Risk of Osteoporosis
PDFDetecting Motion in Single Images Using ALISA
PDFFacial Expression Recognition using a Neural Network
PDFPredicting Hospital Length of Stay with Neural Networks
PDFFunction Modeling for an Integrated Framework: a Progress Report
PDFIfNot: a Function-based Approach for both Proactive and Reactive Integrations of New Productive Technologies
PDFThe Use of Function and Component Hierarchiesto Generate User Information
PDFThe Path Planning Component of an Architecture for Autonomous Vehicles
PDFOptimizing Production Manufacturing Using Reinforcement Learning
PDFDFA Learning of Opponent Strategies
PDFAn Autonomous Agent System to Simulate a Set of Robots Exploring a Labyrinth
PDFA Hierarchical Shape Representation for Vision-Guided Robotics
PDFGlobalisation of Belief Distributions
PDFSome Experimental Results of Applying Heuristic Search to Route Finding
PDFImproving Search-Based Inference in Bayesian Networks
PDFDecision Making in Qualitative Influence Diagrams
PDFQualitative Reasoning under Uncertainty
PDFStatistical Inference as Default Reasoning
PDFAnalytical Design of Reinforcement Learning Tasks
PDFWordNet-Based Inference of Textual Cohesion and Coherence
PDFA Learner with a Sense for Quality
PDFAn Ellipsis Detection Method Based on a Clause Parserfor Arabic Language
PDFStatic Classification Schemes for an Object System
PDFA New Model of Reflective Introspective Learning
PDFPrototype Selection from Homogeneous Subsets by a Monte Carlo Sampling
PDFLazy Transformation-Based Learning
PDFImplementing Parser Metarules that Handle Speech Repairsand Other Disruptions
PDFKQML+: An Extension of KQML in Order toDeal with Implicit Information and Social Relationships
PDFAction-Centered Communication with an Embedded Agent
PDFApplication of Phonological Knowledge in Audio Word Spotting
PDFClustering Lexical Patterns Obtained from a Text Corpus
PDFFine Grained Neural Network Classification of Positron EmissionTomography Scans of Alzheimer’s and Normal Subjects
PDFDetermining the Incremental Worth of Members of anAggregate Set through Difference-Based Induction
PDFA Hierarchical Ensemble of Decision TreesApplied to Classifying Data from a Psychological Experiment
PDFIntegrating Machine Learning in Parallel Heuristic Search
PDFConcept Formation Taking into Account Property Relevance
PDFAn Efficient Algorithm for Inducing Fuzzy Rules from Numerical Data
PDFIncorporating Specificity in Extended Logic Programs for Belief Revision
PDFTowards Partial Reasoning
PDFThe Program Analysis Tool for Reuse: Identifying Reusable Components
PDFNumeric Mutation: Improved Search in Genetic Programming
PDFAflatoxin Prediction Using a GA Trained Neural Network
PDFAn Architecture for Smart Internet Agents
PDFIntegrating Hierarchical and Analogical Planning
PDFOntobroker: The Very High Idea
PDFThe Giant: An Agent-Based Approach toKnowledge Construction and Sharing
PDFStrategy Parallelism in Automated Theorem Proving
PDFDelusions of Omniscience
PDFResponding to Unexpected Student Utterances in CIRCSIM-Tutor v.3: Analysisof Transcripts
PDFSimulating Smooth Tutorial Dialogue with Pedagogical Value
PDFTowards a Cooperative Information System Modeling Method Based on Integration of Conceptual Representations
PDFA Framework for Knowledge Reuse
PDFA Technique for Generalizing Temporal Durations in Relational Databases
PDFA Collaborative Learning Environment for Data Modelling
PDFA Sequence Building Approach to Pattern Discovery in Medical Data
PDFCoupling Two Complementary Knowledge Discovery Systems
PDFProblem Generation: Evaluation of Two Domains in Operating Systems
PDFTool for Knowledge Acquisition and Knowledge Visualization
PDFAn Intelligent Debriefing System for Situation Awareness Training
PDFAutomated Generation of Plans through the Use of Context-Based Reasoning
PDFStrategic Evaluation in Complex Domains
PDFThree-Dimensional Surface Recognition Based on Genetic Algorithms
PDFTeaching Bottom-Up AIFrom the Top Down
PDFAn AI Approach to Computer Assisted Tomography
PDFAMI: The Automated Maintenance Instruction System
PDFTeaching the Foundations in AI: Mobile Robots and Symbolic Victories
PDFA Formal Framework for the Objective Evaluation of Edge Detectors
PDFA Parallel Computer Preattentive-Vision System for Learningand Extracting Special Features in 2-D Images
PDFInteractively Training Pixel Classifiers
PDFUsing Genetic Programming for Document Classification
PDFDiscovering Heuristic Strategy for Solving Scheduling Problems
PDFForecasting Stock Returns Using Genetic Programming in C++
PDFEl-Tech: A Performance Support System withEmbedded Training for Electronics Technicians
PDFA Qualitative Expert System for Clinical Trial Assignment
PDFAn Empirical Comparison of Randomized Algorithms forLarge Join Query Optimization
PDFDecision Support Information Gathering System
PDFParallel Genetic Algorithms for Constrained Ordering Problems
PDFA Structural Knowledge-Based Simulation Methodologyfor Distributed Systems