No. 1: Twenty-Seventh AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Assumption-Based Planning: Generating Plans and Explanations under Incomplete Knowledge
PDFSolving Security Games on Graphs via Marginal Probabilities
PDFActive Task Selection for Lifelong Machine Learning
PDFSensitivity of Diffusion Dynamics to Network Uncertainty
PDFCausal Transportability with Limited Experiments
PDFMulti-Label Learning with PRO Loss
PDFSupervised and Projected Sparse Coding for Image Classification
PDFOnline Lazy Updates for Portfolio Selection with Transaction Costs
PDFDynamic Minimization of Sentential Decision Diagrams
PDFSimple Temporal Problems with Taboo Regions
PDFSample Complexity and Performance Bounds for Non-Parametric Approximate Linear Programming
PDFStrategic Behavior when Allocating Indivisible Goods Sequentially
PDFMultiagent Knowledge and Belief Change in the Situation Calculus
PDFIntegrating Programming by Example and Natural Language Programming
PDFFrom Semantic to Emotional Space in Probabilistic Sense Sentiment Analysis
PDFA Hierarchical Aspect-Sentiment Model for Online Reviews
PDFTies Matter: Complexity of Manipulation when Tie-Breaking with a Random Vote
PDFBasis Adaptation for Sparse Nonlinear Reinforcement Learning
PDFOn the Social Welfare of Mechanisms for Repeated Batch Matching
PDFHow Bad Is Selfish Voting?
PDFGreedy or Not? Best Improving versus First Improving Stochastic Local Search for MAXSAT
PDFPruning for Monte Carlo Distributed Reinforcement Learning in Decentralized POMDPs
PDFTruncated Incremental Search: Faster Replanning by Exploiting Suboptimality
PDFStructured Kernel-Based Reinforcement Learning
PDFFormalizing Hierarchical Clustering as Integer Linear Programming
PDFA Fast Pairwise Heuristic for Planning under Uncertainty
PDFAutomating Collusion Detection in Sequential Games
PDFLearning Integrated Symbolic and Continuous Action Models for Continuous Domains
PDFRobust Discrete Matrix Completion
PDFA Robust Bayesian Truth Serum for Non-Binary Signals
PDFPAC Optimal Exploration in Continuous Space Markov Decision Processes
PDFGenerating Natural-Language Video Descriptions Using Text-Mined Knowledge
PDFMixed Observability Predictive State Representations
PDFAutomated Workflow Synthesis
PDFRadial Restraint: A Semantically Clean Approach to Bounded Rationality for Logic Programs
PDFSpectral Rotation versus K-Means in Spectral Clustering
PDFContinuous Conditional Random Fields for Efficient Regression in Large Fully Connected Graphs
PDFComplexity of Inferences in Polytree-shaped Semi-Qualitative Probabilistic Networks
PDFAnswering Counting Aggregate Queries over Ontologies of the DL-Lite Family
PDFReduce and Re-Lift: Bootstrapped Lifted Likelihood Maximization for MAP
PDFAutomatic Identification of Conceptual Metaphors With Limited Knowledge
PDFStory Generation with Crowdsourced Plot Graphs
PDFOptimizing Objective Function Parameters for Strength in Computer Game-Playing
PDFSMILe: Shuffled Multiple-Instance Learning
PDFOptimal Coalition Structure Generation in Cooperative Graph Games
PDFAlgorithms for Strong Nash Equilibrium with More than Two Agents
PDFA Morphogenetically Assisted Design Variation Tool
PDFParameterized Complexity Results for Plan Reuse
PDFPosted Prices Exchange for Display Advertising Contracts
PDFPartial MUS Enumeration
PDFInstructor Rating Markets
PDFTeamwork with Limited Knowledge of Teammates
PDFEnforcing Meter in Finite-Length Markov Sequences
PDFResolution and Parallelizability: Barriers to the Efficient Parallelization of SAT Solvers
PDFRobust Bidirectional Search via Heuristic Improvement
PDFClustering with Complex Constraints — Algorithms and Applications
PDFHC-Search: Learning Heuristics and Cost Functions for Structured Prediction
PDFDiscovering Hierarchical Structure for Sources and Entities
PDFExternal Memory Best-First Search for Multiple Sequence Alignment
PDFRanking Scientific Articles by Exploiting Citations, Authors, Journals, and Time Information
PDFVesselness Features and the Inverse Compositional AAM for Robust Face Recognition Using Thermal IR
PDFHow to Cut a Cake Before the Party Ends
PDFThe Automated Acquisition of Suggestions from Tweets
PDFA First-Order Formalization of Commitments and Goals for Planning
PDFEquilibria of Online Scheduling Algorithms
PDFMultiscale Manifold Learning
PDFJoint Object and Pose Recognition Using Homeomorphic Manifold Analysis
PDFComposition Games for Distributed Systems: The EU Grant Games
PDFA Maximum K-Min Approach for Classification
PDFMulti-Armed Bandit with Budget Constraint and Variable Costs
PDFUnified Constraint Propagation on Multi-View Data
PDFCost-Optimal Planning by Self-Interested Agents
PDFOn the Value of Using Group Discounts under Price Competition
PDFA Framework for Aggregating Influenced CP-Nets and its Resistance to Bribery
PDFVideo Saliency Detection via Dynamic Consistent Spatio-Temporal Attention Modelling
PDFQualitative Planning under Partial Observability in Multi-Agent Domains
PDFRed-Black Relaxed Plan Heuristics
PDFA Concave Conjugate Approach for Nonconvex Penalized Regression with the MCP Penalty
PDFLarge-Scale Hierarchical Classification via Stochastic Perceptron
PDFSearch More, Disclose Less
PDFComputational Aspects of Nearly Single-Peaked Electorates
PDFOn the Subexponential Time Complexity of CSP
PDFBundling Attacks in Judgment Aggregation
PDFSocial Rankings in Human-Computer Committees
PDFProgression of Decomposed Situation Calculus Theories
PDFBounding the Cost of Stability in Games over Interaction Networks
PDFInterdependent Multi-Issue Negotiation for Energy Exchange in Remote Communities
PDFGoal-Oriented Euclidean Heuristics with Manifold Learning
PDFTemporal Milestones in HTNs
PDFEffective Bilingual Constraints for Semi-Supervised Learning of Named Entity Recognizers
PDFMulti-Cycle Query Caching in Agent Programming
PDFAn Agent Design for Repeated Negotiation and Information Revelation with People
PDFGiSS: Combining Gibbs Sampling and SampleSearch for Inference in Mixed Probabilistic and Deterministic Graphical Models
PDFTeaching Classification Boundaries to Humans
PDFExtending STR to a Higher-Order Consistency
PDFSymmetry-Aware Marginal Density Estimation
PDFBackdoors to Normality for Disjunctive Logic Programs
PDFDomain-Specific Heuristics in Answer Set Programming
PDFFrom Interest to Function: Location Estimation in Social Media
PDFWalking on Minimax Paths for k-NN Search
PDFBribery in Voting With Soft Constraints
PDFVector-Valued Multi-View Semi-Supervsed Learning for Multi-Label Image Classification
PDFData-Parallel Computing Meets STRIPS
PDFSalient Object Detection via Low-Rank and Structured Sparse Matrix Decomposition
PDFA General Formal Framework for Pathfinding Problems with Multiple Agents
PDFAbstract Preference Frameworks — a Unifying Perspective on Separability and Strong Equivalence
PDFImproving the Performance of Consistency Algorithms by Localizing and Bolstering Propagation in a Tree Decomposition
PDFFiltering With Logic Programs and Its Application to General Game Playing
PDFm-Transportability: Transportability of a Causal Effect from Multiple Environments
PDFJoint Extraction and Labeling via Graph Propagation for Dictionary Construction
PDFSupervised Nonnegative Tensor Factorization with Maximum-Margin Constraint
PDFEfficient Evolutionary Dynamics with Extensive-Form Games
PDFTimelines with Temporal Uncertainty
PDFAnalyzing the Effectiveness of Adversary Modeling in Security Games
PDFMixed Heuristic Local Search for Protein Structure Prediction
PDFSupervised Coupled Dictionary Learning with Group Structures for Multi-modal Retrieval
PDFA Pattern Matching Based Model for Implicit Opinion Question Identification
PDFConvex Subspace Representation Learning from Multi-View Data
PDFA Topic-Based Coherence Model for Statistical Machine Translation
PDFA Tensor-Variate Gaussian Process for Classification of Multidimensional Structured Data
PDFAn Extended GHKM Algorithm for Inducing Lambda-SCFG
PDFDynamic Social Choice with Evolving Preferences
PDFA Kernel Density Estimate-Based Approach to Component Goodness Modeling
PDFLazy Gaussian Process Committee for Real-Time Online Regression
PDFLiberal Safety for Answer Set Programs with External Sources
PDFFast Equilibrium Computation for Infinitely Repeated Games
PDFSparse Multi-Task Learning for Detecting Influential Nodes in an Implicit Diffusion Network
PDFInformation Sharing Under Costly Communication in Joint Exploration
PDFModel-Lite Case-Based Planning
PDFUncorrelated Lasso
PDFTime-Dependent Trajectory Regression on Road Networks via Multi-Task Learning
PDFMultiagent Learning with a Noisy Global Reward Signal
PDFA Generalized Student-t Based Approach to Mixed-Type Anomaly Detection
PDFRockIt: Exploiting Parallelism and Symmetry for MAP Inference in Statistical Relational Models
PDFReciprocal Hash Tables for Nearest Neighbor Search
PDFDecoupling the Multiagent Disjunctive Temporal Problem
PDFIncremental Learning Framework for Indoor Scene Recognition
PDFOpen-Loop Planning in Large-Scale Stochastic Domains
PDFData-Efficient Generalization of Robot Skills with Contextual Policy Search
PDFInferring Robot Task Plans from Human Team Meetings: A Generative Modeling Approach with Logic-Based Prior
PDFA Simple, but NP-Hard, Motion Planning Problem
PDFCompact RGBD Surface Models Based on Sparse Coding
PDFHypothesis Exploration for Malware Detection Using Planning
PDFMulti-Target Detection and Recognition by UAVs Using Online POMDPs
PDFTowards Cohesive Anomaly Mining
PDFGSMDPs for Multi-Robot Sequential Decision-Making
PDFOn Power-Law Kernels, Corresponding Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space and Applications
PDFImproving WalkSAT for Random k-Satisfiability Problem with k > 3
PDFRank Aggregation via Low-Rank and Structured-Sparse Decomposition
PDFSmart Multi-Task Bregman Clustering and Multi-Task Kernel Clustering
PDFUnsupervised Cluster Matching via Probabilistic Latent Variable Models
PDFThe Cascade Auction — A Mechanism for Deterring Collusion in Auctions
PDFGradient Networks: Explicit Shape Matching Without Extracting Edges
PDFGuiding Scientific Discovery with Explanations Using DEMUD
PDFA Cyclic Weighted Median Method for L1 Low-Rank Matrix Factorization with Missing Entries
PDFGrounding Natural Language References to Unvisited and Hypothetical Locations
PDFReasoning about Saturated Conditional Independence Under Uncertainty: Axioms, Algorithms, and Levesque’s Situations to the Rescue
PDFA Mediation Mechanism for Automated Negotiating Agents Whose Utility Changes over Time
PDFSimplified Lattice Models for Protein Structure Prediction: How Good Are They?
PDFSubchloroplast Location Prediction via Homolog Knowledge Transfer and Feature Selection
PDFTrading Space for Time in Grid-Based Path Finding
PDFPhase Transition and Network Structure in Realistic SAT Problems
PDFWordNet Based Multi-Way Concept Hierarchy Construction from Text Corpus
PDFGraphical Model-Based Learning in High Dimensional Feature Spaces
PDFSelecting the Appropriate Consistency Algorithm for CSPs Using Machine Learning Classifiers
PDFImbalanced Multiple Noisy Labeling for Supervised Learning
PDFPersonalized Recommendation Based on Co-Ranking and Query-Based Collaborative Diffusion
PDFAn Effective Approach for Imbalanced Classification: Unevenly Balanced Bagging
PDFA Maximum K-Min Approach for Classification
PDFThe Role of Complex Network Dynamics in the Emergence of Multiagent Coalition
PDFCrowd Formalization of Action Conditions
PDFLocate the Hate: Detecting Tweets against Blacks
PDFBayesian Nonparametric Multi-Optima Policy Search in Reinforcement Learning
PDFA First-Order Logic Based Framework for Verifying Simulations
PDFLearning Collaborative Impedance-Based Robot Behaviors
PDFStructure and Intractability of Optimal Multi-Robot Path Planning on Graphs
PDFRobot Motion Planning with Dynamics as Hybrid Search
PDFBackdoors to Tractability of Answer-Set Programming
PDFMultiagent Stochastic Planning With Bayesian Policy Recognition
PDFCrowdsourcing for Deployable Intelligent Systems
PDFAAAI Organization
PDFConference Committees
PDFAAAI-13 Preface
PDFIAAI-13 Preface
PDFEAAI-13 Preface
PDFInvited Talks
PDFOnline Group Feature Selection from Feature Streams
PDFHybrid Model-Based Diagnosis of Web Service Compositions
PDFOn a Noun-Driven Syntactic Paradigm
PDFMaking Simple Tabular ReductionWorks on Negative Table Constraints
PDFPlanning with Multi-Valued Landmarks
PDFDoes One-Against-All or One-Against-One Improve the Performance of Multiclass Classifications?
PDFEmpirical Comparison of Multi-Label Classification Algorithms
PDFAdvice Provision in Multiple Prospect Selection Problems
PDFConcurrent Reasoning with Inference Graphs
PDFAdaptive Spatio-Temporal Exploratory Models: Hemisphere-wide species distributions from massively crowdsourced eBird data
PDFPAC Optimal Planning for Invasive Species Management: Improved Exploration for Reinforcement Learning from Simulator-Defined MDPs
PDFA Temporal Motif Mining Approach to Unsupervised Energy Disaggregation: Applications to Residential and Commercial Buildings
PDFApproximate Bayesian Inference for Reconstructing Velocities of Migrating Birds from Weather Radar
PDFModel Predictive Control with Uncertainty in Human Driven Systems
PDFHeuristic Search for Large Problems with Real Costs
PDFMultiple Hypothesis Object Tracking For Unsupervised Self-Learning: An Ocean Eddy Tracking Application
PDFRobust Network Design For Multispecies Conservation
PDFLarge Landscape Conservation — Synthetic and Real-World Datasets
PDFSteps Towards a Science of Heuristic Search
PDFOptimization of Heterogeneous Computing Resources for Robotic Mapping
PDFArtificial Conversational Companions
PDFConcurrent Inference Graphs
PDFAn Optimal Task Assignment Policy and Performance Diagnosis Strategy for Heterogeneous Hadoop Cluster
PDFUnderstanding Descriptions of Visual Scenes Using Graph Grammars
PDFTools for Preference Reasoning
PDFMulti-Strategy Learning of Robotic Behaviours via Qualitative Reasoning
PDFDistribution Kernel Methods for Multiple-Instance Learning
PDFCreating Model-Based Adaptive Environments Using Game-Specific and Game-Independent Analytics
PDFEfficient Algorithms for Strong Local Consistencies in Constraint Satisfaction Problems
PDFA Fast Bandit Algorithm for Recommendation to Users With Heterogenous Tastes
PDFHotspotting — A Probabilistic Graphical Model For Image Object Localization Through Crowdsourcing
PDFOpenEval: Web Information Query Evaluation
PDFTONIC: Target Oriented Network Intelligence Collection for the Social Web
PDFPreemptive Strategies for Overcoming the Forgetting of Goals
PDFA Hybrid Architectural Approach to Understanding and Appropriately Generating Indirect Speech Acts
PDFNot Quite the Same: Identity Constraints for the Web of Linked Data
PDFLearning to Efficiently Pursue Communication Goals on the Web with the GOSMR Architecture
PDFAutomatic Extraction of Efficient Axiom Sets from Large Knowledge Bases
PDFGraph Traversal Methods for Reasoning in Large Knowledge-Based Systems
PDFAn Agent Model for the Appraisal of Normative Events Based in In-Group and Out-Group Relations
PDFSALL-E: Situated Agent for Language Learning
PDFAgent Cooperatives for Effective Power Consumption Shifting
PDFA Tractable Leader-Follower MDP Model for Animal Disease Management
PDFEnabling E-Mobility: Facility Location for Battery Loading Stations
PDFOnline Optimization with Dynamic Temporal Uncertainty: Incorporating Short Term Predictions for Renewable Integration in Intelligent Energy Systems
PDFNegotiated Learning for Smart Grid Agents: Entity Selection based on Dynamic Partially Observable Features
PDFMultiagent Coordination for Energy Consumption Scheduling in Consumer Cooperatives
PDFAutonomous Agents in Future Energy Markets: The 2012 Power Trading Agent Competition
PDFResource Sharing for Control of Wildland Fires
PDFLA-CTR: A Limited Attention Collaborative Topic Regression for Social Media
PDFIntroducing Nominals to the Combined Query Answering Approaches for EL
PDFLearning to Rank Effective Paraphrases from Query Logs for Community Question Answering
PDFFast and Exact Top-k Algorithm for PageRank
PDFFast Algorithm for Modularity-Based Graph Clustering
PDFClustering Crowds
PDFUnderstanding and Predicting Interestingness of Videos
PDFExploring the Contribution of Unlabeled Data in Financial Sentiment Analysis
PDFBetter Human Computation Through Principled Voting
PDFActive Transfer Learning for Cross-System Recommendation
PDFPreventing Unraveling in Social Networks Gets Harder
PDFThe Effects of Performance-Contingent Financial Incentives in Online Labor Markets
PDFHeterogeneous Metric Learning with Joint Graph Regularization for Cross-Media Retrieval
PDFThe Wisdom of Crowds in Bioinformatics: What Can We Learn (and Gain) from Ensemble Predictions?