Vol. 10 No. 1 (2017): Tenth Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Search
Long Papers
The Minimal Set of States that Must Be Expanded in a Front-to-End Bidirectional Search
PDFStrengthening Canonical Pattern Databases with Structural Symmetries
PDFFeasibility Study: Subgoal Graphs on State Lattices
PDFAn Analysis and Enhancement of the Gap Heuristic for the Pancake Puzzle
PDFVariable Annealing Length and Parallelism in Simulated Annealing
PDFCost-Based Heuristics and Node Re-Expansions across the Phase Transition
PDFOn Realizing Planning Programs in Domains with Dead-End States
PDFSearch-Based Optimal Solvers for the Multi-Agent Pathfinding Problem: Summary and Challenges
PDFRanking Conjunctions for Partial Delete Relaxation Heuristics in Planning
PDFUnderstanding the Search Behaviour of Greedy Best-First Search
PDFBoost SAT Solver with Hybrid Branching Heuristic
PDFEdge N-Level Sparse Visibility Graphs: Fast Optimal Any-Angle Pathfinding Using Hierarchical Taut Paths
PDFOptimal Solutions to Large Logistics Planning Domain Problems
Short Papers
Dynamic Potential Search on Weighted Graphs
PDFSymbolic Leaf Representation in Decoupled Search
PDFOn Variable Dependencies and Compressed Pattern Databases
PDFBlock-Parallel IDA* for GPUs
PDFFast and Almost Optimal Any-Angle Pathfinding Using the 2k Neighborhoods
PDFImproving Plan Quality through Heuristics for Guiding and Pruning the Search: A Study Using LAMA
PDFBetter Orders for Saturated Cost Partitioning in Optimal Classical Planning
Extended Abstracts
A Linear-Time and Linear-Space Algorithm for the Minimum Vertex Cover Problem on Giant Graphs
PDFInterval Based Relaxation Heuristics for Numeric Planning with Action Costs
PDFk-Robust Multi-Agent Path Finding
PDFNon-Markovian Rewards Expressed in LTL: Guiding Search Via Reward Shaping
PDFSearch Reduction through Conservative Abstract-Space Based Heuristic
PDFSolving Graph Optimization Problems in a Framework for Monte-Carlo Search
PDFUsing an Algorithm Portfolio to Solve Sokoban
PDFShortest Path for K Goals
PDFModifying Optimal SAT-Based Approach to Multi-Agent Path-Finding Problem to Suboptimal Variants
PDFImproving a Planner’s Performance through Online Heuristic Configuration of Domain Models