This is the first international workshop set up with the goal of exploring key issues and major trends in Spatial and Temporal (ST hereafter) Granularity. Being able to provide and relate ST representations at different grain levels of the same reality is an important research theme in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Databases (DB), and Geographic Information Science (GIS), and a major requirement for many applications. The inherent abstraction power of the granularity concept has been successfully exploited in several application domains, including temporal and spatial reasoning, hierarchical planning, natural language understanding, temporal database design, database inter-operability, data mining, medical informatics, image processing, hierarchical reasoning in GIS, real-time system specification and verification. The workshop aims at (i) identifying the basic features of ST granularities and of their related reasoning problems, pointing out the main analogies and differences between the two types of granularity (temporal and spatial), and (ii) analyzing and comparing the various theories of ST granularities emerging from the different communities.