The Java programming language and technologies have been used extensively in the construction of web-based components and applications specifically in the context of electronic markets (emarkets) development. Java-based components can fulfill a variety of atomic roles in an emarket scenario from graphical user interfaces to complex database functions. However, in distributed settings, a great deal of monolithic code must be wrapped into the core functionality offered by Java components to allow for communication or message passing. Java introduces the Jini specification and associated functions to handle this distributed collaboration. Unfortunately, even Jini adds unnecessary overhead to the core functionality of these atomic components. Consequently, agents can be deployed in conjunction with these Java technologies to assist in communication as well as other nonfunctional concerns. The Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language (KQML) is a protocol that has been used in implementing agent communication. This paper suggests the use of agents to broker communication between atomic components. KOJAC (KQML over Jini for Agent Communication) is approach to agent-based communication implemented with Jini services, specifically JavaSpace. KOJAC defines methods using Jini services that conform to the KQML protocol and incorporate an object-oriented ontology.