The Air Force Center for Knowledge Sharing Lessons Learned (AFCKSLL) is responsible for managing all lessons learned for the U.S. Air Force. We are tasked to standardize the lessons-learned input format to enhance the combat effectiveness of all Air Force units while maintaining full compatibility with the Department of Defense Joint Lessons Learned system. Currently, the AFCKSLL manages an Internet and Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNET) web site that provides dynamic search and analysis capability for all military users. The AFCKSLL has been used by the Air Force Experimentation Office during the two previous Expeditionary Force Experiments. We developed experimental lessons-learned collection systems for use during these events to provide real-time feedback to the assessors and the experiment control personnel, The next phase of lessonslearned collection for AFCKSLL is an active, interactive web-based collection method to support U.S. Air Force personnel deployed around the world.