Ninth Midwest Artificial intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference
Ninth Midwest Artificial intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference
The bulk of research to date relating to intelligent tutoring systems (ITS) is focused on the student, and on methods for representing the knowledge itself. From student models to learning schemas to presentation methods, comparatively little attention has been paid to the problem of educators attempting to build viable curriculum plans for use in an ITS environment---yet when this problem is addressed in the literature, it is recognized as a potentially daunting one. This paper presents initial work to address the problem of ITS curriculum development by proposing a practical, computable approach for knowledge engineering that is based on proven classroom methods. We describe our system for dynamically creating student curriculum plans from a knowledge base created using the described methodology, which utilizes already-established algorithms of proven tractability, and then discuss how this system can be integrated into existing and future ITS design.
Ninth Midwest Artificial intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference