No. 9: AAAI-22 Technical Tracks 9
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 36
AAAI Technical Track on Search and Optimization
It is well-known that the search algorithms A* and Iterative Deepening A* (IDA*) can fail to solve state-space tasks optimally due to time and memory limits. The former typically fails in memory-restricted scenarios and the latter in time-restricted scenarios. Therefore, several algorithms were proposed to solve state-space tasks optimally using less memory than A* and less time than IDA*, such as A*+IDA*, a hybrid memory-restricted algorithm that combines A* and IDA*. In this paper, we present a hybrid memory-restricted algorithm that combines Partial Expansion A* (PEA*) and IDA*. This new algorithm has two phases, the same structure as the A*+IDA* algorithm. The first phase of PEA*+IDA* runs PEA* until it reaches a memory limit, and the second phase runs IDA* without duplicate detection on each node of PEA*'s Open. First, we present a model that shows how PEA*+IDA* can perform better than A*+IDA* although pure PEA* usually makes more expansions than pure A*. Later, we perform an experimental evaluation using three memory limits and show that, compared to A*+IDA* on classical planning domains, PEA*+IDA* has higher coverage and expands fewer nodes. Finally, we experimentally analyze both algorithms and show that having higher F-limits and better priority-queue composition given by PEA* have a considerable impact on the performance of the algorithms.
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 36