As tile field of Genetic Programming (GP) matures and its breadth of application increases, the need for parallel implementations becomes absolutely necessary. The transputer-based system recently presented by Koza ([8]) is one of the rare such parallel implementations. Until today, no implementation has been proposed for parallel GP using a SIMD architecture, except for a data-parallel approach ([16]), although others have exploited workstation farms and pipelined supercomputers. One reason is certainly the apparent difficulty of dealing with the parallel evaluation of different S-expressions when only a single instruction can be executed at the same time on every processor. The aim of this paper is to present such an implementation of parallel GP on a SIMD system, where each processor can efficiently evaluate a different S-expression. We have implemented this approach on a MasPar MP-2 computer, and will present some timing results. To the extent that SIMD machines, like the MasPar are available to offer cost-effective cycles for scientific experimentation, this is a useful approach.