We show how emotions can be naturally and usefully integrated into artificial cognitive perceptions. The embedding is performed into a formal, mathematical, design that has been used before to formalize other aspects of artificial intelligent perceptually based processes. The mathematical infrastructure consists of a category of 'artificial perceptions'. Each 'perception' consists of a set of 'world elements', a set of 'connotations’ that stand for embodied sensations, and a three valued predicative connection between the two sets. 'Perception morphisms’ describe paths between perceptions. This categorical architecture calls for an increment in the form of a setting for emotive reactions to sensations whenever consulting with higher-level reasoning processes would be impractical. The setting for emotive reactions is conveniently provided by the 'connotations’ that stand for primitive impressions of environmental elements. These sense connotations provide a natural grounding link between the sensitive and the sensible aspects of intelligence. Once emotive reactions are entered into the framework, affection pervades and increments the formal model at many levels and becomes an inseparable component of all related cognitive processes, either internal to a single perceiving artifact or inter-perceptual in a society of such artifacts.