Exploratory Navigation and Selective Reading


  • Natwar Modani Adobe Research
  • Paridhi Maheshwari Adobe Research
  • Harsh Deshpande Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
  • Saurab Sirpurkar Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
  • Diviya . Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee
  • Somak Aditya Adobe Research




Navigating a collection of documents can be facilitated by obtaining a human-understandable concept hierarchy with links to the content. This is a non-trivial task for two reasons. First, defining concepts that are understandable by an average consumer and yet meaningful for a large variety of corpora is hard. Second, creating semantically meaningful yet intuitive hierarchical representation is hard, and can be task dependent. We present out system Navigation.ai which automatically processes a document collection, induces a concept hierarchy using Wikipedia and presents an interactive interface that helps user navigate to individual paragraphs using concepts.




How to Cite

Modani, N., Maheshwari, P., Deshpande, H., Sirpurkar, S., ., D., & Aditya, S. (2020). Exploratory Navigation and Selective Reading. Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 34(09), 13632-13633. https://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v34i09.7103