AAAI Member Abstracts and Posters The goal of this novel program is to provide a forum in which AAAI members can present and discuss their work based on a submitted abstract, rather than a regular AAAI paper. In order to stimulate cross-fertilization and the free circulation of ideas, AAAI encouraged its members to submit posters […]
AAAI-06 Nectar Papers
AAAI Nectar Papers As AI matures and becomes increasingly interdisciplinary, many of the AI community’s most exciting results appear in the proceedings of AAAI’s sister conferences and conferences in related fields. AAAI-06 includes a new special paper track designed to highlight those results in a way that is accessible to the broad AI audience. This […]
AAAI/IAAI Conference Hotel and Site Information
AAAI/IAAI Conference Hotel and Site Information AAAI-06 Headquarters Hotel AAAI has reserved a block of rooms at the Seaport Hotel at reduced conference rates. Seaport Hotel and World Trade Center 200 Seaport Boulevard Boston, Massachusetts Telephone: U.S. or Canada, 1-877-SEAPORT(Refer to: AAAI06) Fax: 617-385-5090 Internet: Promo/Group Code: AAII06 Single/Double Standard: $159.00 Additional Person: $25.00 […]
AAAI-06 Integrated Intelligent Capabilities Special Technical Track
Integrated Intelligent Capabilities Special Track To solve complex, real-world problems, AI systems often must integrate a variety of component technologies, such as vision, classification, speech, memory, language, dialogue, planning, problem solving, learning, and goal-driven action. Robots, autonomous software agents, and intelligent tutoring systems with natural language dialogue are prototypical examples of these integrated intelligent systems. […]
AAAI-06 Doctoral Consortium Program
AAAI/SIGART Doctoral Consortium (DC) The AAAI/SIGART Doctoral Consortium (DC) provides an opportunity for a group of Ph.D. students to present their research and explore their career objectives with a panel of established researchers in artificial intelligence. The consortium has the following objectives: To provide a setting for mutual feedback on participants’ current research and guidance […]
AAAI-06: Twenty-First Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Sponsored by the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Celebrating Fifty Years of Artificial IntelligenceJuly 16–20, 2006, Boston, Massachusetts The Twenty-first National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-06) and the collocated Eighteenth Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-06) were held in Boston, Massachusetts, at the Seaport Hotel and World Trade Center, from July […]