AAAI-07 Workshops Registration for a workshop requires a supplemental fee for AAAI-07 technical registrants. Individuals who do not wish to participate in any other AAAI-07 programs or events may elect the workshop only registration fee. Workshops will be held in the Hyatt Regency Vancouver. Sunday and Monday, July 22–23 W2: Configuration Organizers: Barry O’Sullivan, Klas […]
AAAI-07: Tutorial Forum
AAAI-07 Tutorial Forum The AAAI-07 Tutorials will be held Sunday and Monday, July 22–23, 2007, in Vancouver, British Columbia. AAAI-07 technical registrants may attend up to four consecutive tutorials for an additional registration fee. All tutorials will be held on the second level of the Hyatt Regency Vancouver. The titles of the tutorials are as […]
The Eighth Annual Trading Agent Competition
The Eighth Annual Trading Agent Competition The Eighth Annual Trading Agent Competition will be held Tuesday –Thursday, July 24–26 in Plaza C. The annual Trading Agent Competition (TAC) pits agents from research groups around the world against each other in challenging market-trading domains. The 2007 tournament features a Supply Chain Management (SCM) game, as well […]
AAAI-07: Technical Conference
AAAI-07 Technical Conference AAAI-07 is the Twenty-Second AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AI). The purpose of this conference is to promote research in AI and scientific exchange among AI researchers, practitioners, scientists and engineers in related disciplines. AAAI-07 will have multiple technical tracks, student abstracts, invited speakers, exhibit programs, and an evening reception with demos […]
AAAI-07 Sponsors
AAAI-07 Sponsors The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence gratefully acknowledges the generous contributions of the following organizations to AAAI-07. Platinum Sponsor Gold Sponsor Silver Sponsors Bronze Sponsors Sponsors
AAAI-07: Student Programs
AAAI-07 Student Programs The AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence — AAAI’s summer national conference — promotes theoretical and applied AI research as well as intellectual interchange among researchers and practitioners. The technical program features substantial, original research and practices. Conference panel discussions and invited presentations identify significant social, philosophical, and economic issues influencing AI’s development […]