In recent years, poker has emerged as an important, visible challenge problem for the field of AI. Just as the development of world-class chess-playing programs was considered an important milestone in the development of intelligent computing, poker is increasingly being seen in the same way. An important differentiating feature of poker is the presence of […]
AAAI-08: Mobile Robot Competition
AAAI is pleased to announce the Seventeenth AAAI Mobile Robot Exhibition and Workshop, to be held in conjunction with the Twenty-Third AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, July 13–17, 2008, in Chicago, Illinois. The annual AAAI Robotics Exhibition and Workshop has featured innovative and ground-breaking research in robotics. This has provided unique opportunities for the community […]
AAAI-08: Special Track on Physically Grounded AI
Robotics, computer vision, activity recognition and the many other disciplines where computers interface to physical environments have proven to be a major source of inspiration and crucial new insights into artificial intelligence. Physical grounding provides ready access to a challenging, real problems of perception and action with rich source of data and the related stochastic […]
AAAI-08: Special Track on Integrated Intelligence (II)
To solve complex, real-world problems, AI systems often must integrate component technologies, such as planning, reasoning, language, dialogue, perception, goal-driven action, and learning. Prototypical examples of such integrated systems include software agents, autonomous robots, robots that interact with humans, intelligent tutoring systems, and virtual characters. The Integrated Intelligence track welcomes submissions on issues that arise […]
AAAI-08: Nectar Program
AAAI-08 will again include the Nectar track (new scientific and technical advances in research). This track aims to make the most significant AI results presented at other conferences in the last two years available to a broad AI audience. One important goal of the track is to offer researchers the opportunity to learn about areas […]
AAAI-08: General Game Playing Competition
General game players are computer systems that are able to accept declarative descriptions of arbitrary games at runtime and are able to play those games effectively without human intervention. Because general game players accept game descriptions at runtime, as opposed to specialized game players such as Deep Blue, they cannot rely on algorithms designed in […]