AAAI-07 Nectar Track
AAAI-07 will again include the Nectar track, whose goal is to make the most significant AI results presented at other conferences in the last two years available to a broad AI audience.
The Nectar (new scientific and technical advances in research) track will consist of papers that are based on important results that have already been published in the proceedings of at least one major conference in 2005 and 2006, as either a single paper or a series of papers. Examples of such conferences include AAMAS, AIIDE, ALIFE, ACL, CEC, CogSci, CP, FUZZ-IEEE, GECCO, ICAPS, ICCBR, ICML, ICRA, IEEE CEC, IJCNN, IROS, ISWC, IUI, KCAP, KR, NIPS, RSS, SAT, UAI and WCCI. Examples of conferences in related fields with relevance to AI are ALife, CIKM, COLT, KDD, PODS, ICDTSIGIR, SIGMOD, VLDB, and WWW. Papers that report on the application of AI techniques in other fields, for example bioinformatics, may also serve as the basis for Nectar papers.
One important goal of the track is to offer young researchers the opportunity to learn about areas with which they may not already be familiar. Another goal is to encourage the sort of cross-disciplinary AI work that has historically been supported by AAAI. AAAI Nectar track papers will be presented as short talks or posters at AAAI-07. The papers will also be published in the conference proceedings.
Special Track Cochairs
Elaine Rich (University of Texas at Austin), Cochair
Sven Koenig (University of Southern California), Cochair
The original AAAI-07 Nectar call for papers is available as a printable PDF document