The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence has announced the 2005 Fellows. Each year since 1993, a small number of AI researchers are recognized by their peers for their unusual distinction in the profession and for their sustained contributions to the field of AI for a decade or more. This year’s recipients will be honored at a dinner and ceremony at the AAAI-05 Conference in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Press Release
2004 Mobile Robot Exhibition Schedule
Tuesday, July 27, 2004 1000-1030 All Teams1240-1320 Stony Brook Robot Design Team1300-1320 Washington University1320-1340 Team H.E.R1340-1400 NASA Ames1610-1630 ND Multivac1730-1800 MU Mites Wednesday, July 28, 2004 1000-1030 All Teams1200-1220 NASA Ames1220-1240 Washington University1240-1300 Stony Brook Robot Design Team1300-1320 Team H.E.R1320-1340 MU Mites1340-1400 ND Multivac In addition, the GRACE and GEORGE team plans on running their […]
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Announces 2003 Newly-Elected Fellows
Each year since 1993, a small number of AI researchers are recognized by their peers for their unusual distinction in the profession and for their sustained contributions to the field of AI for a decade or more. This year’s recipients will be honored at a dinner and ceremony at the AAAI-04 Conference in San Jose, California.
Innovative Use of Artificial Intelligence Award: Monitoring NASDAQ for Potential Insider Trading and Fraud
The American Association for Artificial intelligence has awarded the prestigious Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence award to the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) for an intelligent system that monitors the NASDAQ, Over the Counter (OTC), and NASDAQ-Liffe (futures) stock markets for potential insider trading and fraud through misrepresentation.
Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence Announces 2003 Newly-Elected Fellows
Each year a small number of AI researchers are recognized by their peers for their unusual distinction in the profession and for their sustained contributions to the field for a decade or more. This year’s recipients will be honored at a dinner and ceremony at IJCAI-03 in Acapulco, Mexico.
Where to See the Latest Advances in Artificial Intelligence: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Over seven days from August 9-15, leading AI scientists, practitioners and students from around the world have gathered each summer to exchange their collective progress; while technology managers and press members have attended to learn emerging AI trends and meet these AI innovators. Attendees will present and hear the latest advances in such application areas as AI-based Web services, mobile robots, and NASDAQ fraud detection, as well as in a host of underlying enabling technologies.