Each year AAAI recognizes a small number of distinguished AI scientists for their outstanding contributions to the theory or practice of AI by electing them AAAI Fellows — a lifetime honor. An official dinner and ceremony will be held in their honor during the July 2010 AAAI-10 Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, USA.
Press Release
AAAI Announces AIIDE Conference
The Fifth AAAI Artificial Intelligence and Interactive Digital Entertainment Conference will be held October 14-16, 2009 at Stanford University, Stanford, California.
AAAI Announces Feigenbaum Prize
The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) is delighted to announce the establishment of a new award called the AAAI Feigenbaum Prize. The AAAI Feigenbaum Prize will be awarded biennially to recognize and encourage outstanding Artificial Intelligence research advances that are made by using experimental methods of computer science.
AAAI Announces 2009 Newly-Elected Fellows
Each year a small number of distinguished AI researchers are elected AAAI Fellows by the membership of AAAI for their unusual distinction in the profession and for their sustained contributions to the field for a decade or more. An official dinner and ceremony will be held in their honor during the IJCAI-09 Conference in Pasadena, California, USA later on in July.
Third AAAI International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media
The 2009 International Conference on Weblogs and Social Media (ICWSM) program will include presentations that reflect the establishment of the science of social media analysis, covering the key areas of community, behavior and content analysis.
Schedule for 2008 Robot Workshop and Exhibition Announced
This workshop explores the roles that creativity plays in robotics. This includes research where robots employ cognitive models and computation to display creativity. Also explored are partnerships among artists, scientists and engineers to generate a creative synergy and stimulate breakthroughs.