AAAI Officers
AAAI President
Francesca Rossi
(IBM Research, USA)
AAAI Past President
Bart Selman
(Cornell University, USA)
AAAI President-Elect
Stephen Smith
(Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
AAAI Secretary-Treasurer
David E. Smith
Councilors (through 2025)
Xuelong Li
(Institute of Artificial Intelligence (TeleAI), China Telecom, China)
Felipe Meneguzzi
(Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil)
Julie Shah
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA)
Councilors (through 2026)
Maria Chang
(IBM Research, USA)
Kristian Kersting
(Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany)
Jihie Kim
(Dongguk University, South Korea)
Anita Raja
(The City University of New York, Hunter College, USA)
Councilors (through 2027)
Sara Bernardini
(University of Oxford, UK)
Joydeep Biswas
(The University of Texas at Austin, USA)
Thomas Eiter
(Vienna University of Technology – TU Wien, Austria)
Zico Kolter
(Carnegie Mellon University, USA)
Standing Committees
- Awards, Fellows, and Nominating Chair: Bart Selman (Cornell University, USA)
- Conference Chair: Kevin Leyton-Brown (University of British Columbia, Canada) Past: Sven Koenig (University of Southern California, USA)
- Conferences and Symposia Chair: Ron Petrick (Heriot-Watt University, UK)
- CRA Liaison: Yolanda Gil (USC Information Sciences Institute, USA)
- Diversity and Inclusion Chair: Maria Gini (University of Minnesota, USA)
- Communications Chair: K. Brent Venable (Institute for Human and Machine Cognition and University of West Florida, USA)
- Education Chair: Laura Hiatt (US Naval Research Laboratory, USA)
- Ethics Chair: Susan Epstein (The City University of New York, Hunter College, USA)
- Finance Chair: David E. Smith
- Global AI Initiatives and Policy Chair and Cochair: Francesca Rossi (IBM Research, USA) and Barry O’Sullivan (University College Cork, Ireland)
- Membership Chair: Anita Raja (The City University of New York, Hunter College, USA)
- Partnerships Chair: Sara Bernardini (Royal Holloway University of London, UK)
- Publications Chair: Anthony Cohn (University of Leeds, UK)
- Student Chair: Joydeep Biswas (The University of Texas at Austin, USA)
- Symposium Chair and Cochair: Christopher Geib (SIFT) and Ron Petrick (Heriot-Watt University, UK)
- US Initiatives and Policy: Bart Selman (Cornell University, USA)
AI Magazine Editorial Team
Odd Erik Gundersen
(Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway)
K. Brent Venable
(Institute for Human and Machine Cognition and University of West Florida, USA)
Student Committee Members
- Jianyuan Guo (The University of Sydney)
- Lijie Hu (King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)
- Ella Lan (Harker High School)
- Minheng Ni (Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
- Vishal Pallagani (University of South Carolina)
- Max Springer (University of Maryland, Department of Mathematics)
- Jonathan Xu (University of Waterloo)
A list of past officers is also available.