The Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence’s Fellows program was started in 1990 to recognize individuals who have made significant, sustained contributions—usually over at least a ten-year period—to the field of artificial intelligence.
In February of each year, the AAAI membership nominates individuals whom they consider to have achieved unusual distinction in the field. These nominations are then considered by the Fellows Selection Committee, comprising 9 AAAI Fellows who are current members of AAAI and chaired by the immediate Past President of AAAI. The committee generally selects 5-10 new Fellows each year.
Fellows’ accomplishments range from pioneering advances in the theory of artificial intelligence to unusual accomplishments in artificial intelligence technology and AI applications. Leadership in the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence or similar scientific organizations that promote the advancement of artificial intelligence through educational programs and support of forums for the exchange of ideas also plays a role in the selection process.
The following persons are on the active list of AAAI Fellows (current AAAI members).
- Luigia Aiello
- James Allen
- Nancy Amato
- Animashree Anandkumar
- Kevin Ashley
- Pierre Baldi
- Regina Barzilay
- Satinder Singh Baveja
- Yoshua Bengio
- Wolfgang Bibel
- Piero Bonissone
- Michael Bowling
- Ronen Brafman
- Cynthia Breazeal
- Carla Brodley
- Rodney Brooks
- Bruce Buchanan
- Alan Bundy
- Wolfram Burgard
- Murray Campbell
- Claire Cardie
- B. Chandrasekaran
- Nitesh V. Chawla
- Rama Chellappa
- Bill Clancey
- Anthony Cohn
- Cristina Conati
- Vincent Conitzer
- Gregory Cooper
- Adnan Youssef Darwiche
- Giuseppe De Giacomo
- Johan De Kleer
- Luc De Raedt
- Marie desJardins
- Thomas Dietterich
- Pedro Domingos
- Marco Dorigo
- Bonnie Dorr
- Jon Doyle
- Edmund Durfee
- Jennifer Dy
- Oren Etzioni
- Scott Fahlman
- Boi Faltings
- Usama Fayyad
- Edward Feigenbaum
- Ariel Felner
- Richard Fikes
- Tim Finn
- Ken Forbus
- Ken Ford
- Dieter Fox
- Mark Fox
- William Freeman
- Eugene Freuder
- Peter Friedland
- Pascale Fung
- Hector Geffner
- Michael Genesereth
- Michael Georgeff
- John Gero
- Lise Carol Getoor
- Yolanda Gil
- Maria Gini
- Ashok Goel
- Carla Pedro Gomes
- Jonathan Gratch
- Kristen Grauman
- Russell Greiner
- W Eric Grimson
- Barbara Grosz
- Joseph Halpern
- Kristian Hammond
- David Haussler
- David Heckerman
- Malte Helmert
- Jim Hendler
- Geoff Hinton
- Julia Hirschberg
- Joerg Hoffmann
- Robert Holte
- Holger Hoos
- Eric Horvitz
- Eduard Hovy
- Ayanna Howard
- Michael Huhns
- Charles Isbell Jr.
- Tommi Jaakkola
- Ramesh Jain
- Nick Jennings
- Thorsten Joachims
- Michael Jordan
- Leslie Kaelbling
- Subbarao Kambhampati
- Takeo Kanade
- Elaine Kant
- Henry Kautz
- Kristian Kersting
- Pradeep Khosla
- Hiroaki Kitano
- Phil Klahr
- Craig Knoblock
- Sven Koenig
- Daphne Koller
- Janet Kolodner
- Rich Korf
- Sarit Kraus
- Benjamin Kuipers
- Vipin Kumar
- John Laird
- Pat Langley
- Yann LeCun
- Daniel Lee
- Lillian Lee
- Maurizio Lenzerini
- Kristina Lerman
- James Lester
- Kevin Leyton-Brown
- Xuelong Li
- Fangzhen Lin
- Chih-Jen Lin
- Michael Littman
- Huan Liu
- Donald Loveland
- Tomas Lozano-Perez
- Jiebo Luo
- Alan Mackworth
- Sridhar Mahadevan
- Dinesh Manocha
- Mitchell Marcus
- Matthew Mason
- Maja Mataric
- Mausam
- Mark Maybury
- David Mcallster
- Andrew McCallum
- Deborah McGuinness
- Shelia McIlrath
- Kathy McKeown
- Gerard Medioni
- Rada Mihalcea
- Risto Miikkulainen
- Steven Minton
- Raymond Mooney
- Robert Moore
- Stephen Muggleton
- Radhika Nagpal
- Dana Nau
- Bernhard Nebel
- Ramakant Nevatia
- Peter Norvig
- Natasha Noy
- Barry O’Sullivan
- Ana Paiva
- Martha Palmer
- Lynne Parker
- David Parkes
- Ronald Parr
- Peter Patel-Schneider
- Ramesh Patil
- Michael Pazzani
- Raymond Perrault
- Joelle Pineau
- Tomaso Poggoi
- David Poole
- Ariel Procaccia
- Raj Reddy
- Elaine Rich
- Christopher Riesbeck
- Edwina Rissland
- Paul Rosebloom
- Jeff Rosenschein
- Francesca Rossi
- Dan Roth
- Cynthia Rudin
- Daniela Rus
- Stuart Russell
- Tuomas Sandholm
- Brian Scassellati
- Jonathan Schaeffer
- Robert Schapire
- Matthias Schuetz
- Lenhart Schubert
- Bart Selman
- Stuart Shaprio
- Amit Sheth
- Stuart Shieber
- Yoav Shoham
- Howard Shrobe
- Candace Sidner
- David Silver
- Reid Simmons
- Yoram Singer
- Munindar P. Singh
- Reid Smith
- Douglas Smith
- David Smith
- Stephen Smith
- Padhraic Smyth
- Guy Steele Jr.
- Mark Stefik
- Oliviero Stock
- Peter Stone
- Peter Stuckey
- Venkatramanan Subrahmanian
- Gaurav Sukhatme
- Gerald Jay Sussman
- Rich Sutton
- William Swartout
- Katia Sycara
- Csaba Szepesvari
- Peter Szolovits
- Milind Tambe
- Jie Tang
- Sylvie Thiebaux
- Richmond Thomason
- Sebastian Thrun
- Antonio Torralba
- Miroslaw Truszcynski
- Leslie Valiant
- Peter Van Beek
- Pascal Van Hentenryck
- Moshe Vardi
- Manuela Veloso
- Kiri Wagstaff
- Wolfgang Wahlster
- Bonnie Webber
- Kilian Weinberger
- Sholom Weiss
- Michael Wellman
- Mary-Anne Williams
- William Woods
- Michael John Wooldridge
- Peter Wurman
- Eric Xing
- Shuicheng Yan
- Holly Yanco
- Qiang Yang
- Makoto Yokoo
- Zhi-Hua Zhou
- Jun Zhu
- Shlomo Zilberstein