The Robert S. Engelmore Memorial Lecture Award is presented annually at the IAAI conference in honor of Dr. Robert S. Engelmore’s extraordinary service to AAAI, AI Magazine, the AI applications community, and his contributions to applied AI. The Award includes a certificate from IAAI and a $1,000.00 honorarium. The lecture is linked to a subsequent article in AI Magazine; thus the award recipients are selected jointly by IAAI and AI Magazine.
Bob Engelmore’s service was extraordinary both in the selfless and insightful manner in which it was conducted, and for its extensiveness. Bob was editor emeritus of AI Magazine, and a AAAI fellow. He served on the Executive Council, the IAAI Program Committee (chair, 2000), the AAAI Publications Committee (chair, 1993–1997), the AAAI Office Committee, and the National Conference Program Committee. He had deep interests in both the technical and entrepreneurial aspects of AI. He was a DARPA program manager, and an executive director of the Heuristic Programming Project in Stanford’s computer science department. He was the author of many AI papers and a seminal book on blackboard systems. He was also a cofounder of Teknowledge, and an advisor to many AI startup companies.
We seek nominations for individuals of exceptional stature who have exhibited the spirit of Bob Engelmore through a long-term track record of major contributions. The ideal candidate will have demonstrated a breadth of contributions spanning AAAI, the AI community, and applied AI. A list of past recipients is available on the AAAI website:
Nominations should include a brief statement of the qualifications of the candidate for the award, specifically referring to contributions to AAAI, the AI community, and applied AI. Nominations may optionally include supporting information, such as the URL of the nominee’s home page, and other documentation of contributions.
Nominators may be contacted for additional information.
Nominations should be sent electronically (as PDF files) by October XX, 2023 to
Odd Erik Gunderson and K. Brent Venable, Editors-in-Chief, AI Magazine Karen Haigh, IAAI-24 Conference Committee Co-Chairs