The 38th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
February 20-27, 2024 | Vancouver, Canada
Main Conference Timetable for Authors
Note: all deadlines are “anywhere on earth” (UTC-12)
July 4, 2023
AAAI-24 web site open for author registration
July 11, 2023
AAAI-24 web site open for paper submission
August 8, 2023
Abstracts due at 11:59 PM UTC-12
August 15, 2023
Full papers due at 11:59 PM UTC-12
August 18, 2023
Supplementary material and code due by 11:59 PM UTC-12
September 25, 2023
Registration, abstracts and full papers for NeurIPS fast track submissions due by 11:59 PM UTC-12
September 27, 2023
Notification of Phase 1 rejections
September 28, 2023
Supplementary material and code for NeurIPS fast track submissions due by 11:59 PM UTC-12
November 2-5, 2023
Author feedback window
December 9, 2023
Notification of final acceptance or rejection
December 19, 2023
Submission of paper preprints for inclusion in electronic conference materials
February 20 – February 27, 2024
AAAI-24 conference
Supplementary Material
Submissions should not contain pointers to supplementary material on the web, as this may violate both blind review and the policy that submissions cannot be changed after they are made available to reviewers. However, authors have the option of submitting supplementary material in support of their submissions. Authors must be very careful not to violate the double blind review requirements in any supplementary material to prevent their paper from being summarily rejected. All such material is due no later than August 18 (regular papers), and September 25 (NeurIPS-23 fast track papers).
Authors can include one or more of the following:
- a technical appendix (PDF) containing additional details in support of the arguments advanced by the main paper (e.g., proofs, experimental results, descriptions of datasets);
- a multimedia appendix (ZIP) including images, audio files, video demonstrations, etc., in support of the paper;
- code & data (ZIP) to aid the reviewers in assessing the reproducibility of the paper’s claims.
During review, the purpose of supplementary material is to assist reviewers. Authors are encouraged to share the supplementary material upon paper acceptance.
Technical Appendix
The length of main submissions is strictly limited, as already described. Authors may optionally submit a technical appendix (PDF) containing additional supporting information such as proofs of theorems that are stated in the main paper; additional information needed to reproduce experiments; further experimental results; figures and examples to illustrate technical claims; etc. The main submission may reference the supplementary material, but should be self contained. Reviewers will be instructed to make their acceptance evaluations based on the main submission, and will not be obliged to consult the supplementary material. If proofs or other supplementary matter are an important part of the contribution, their essential elements should be included in the main paper.
Multimedia Appendix
Some authors may also wish to provide additional material, such as images, videos, audios or other multimedia to supplement their paper. All such files should be combined into a single .zip file and uploaded to the CMT server. As always, such submissions should be properly anonymized; authors are urged to take particular care to ensure that any submitted video avoids images of the authors, identifiable voices, university or lab logos, recognizable campus scenes, etc.
Code & Data Appendix
Authors are encouraged to provide their software and all data needed to reproduce results in the paper as a third form of supplementary material. All files must be combined into a .zip file and uploaded to the CMT server. Reviewers may use this material to verify the claims made in the main paper and to assess the reproducibility of the work. If a dataset’s size exceeds the available max limit set by CMT, then authors are encouraged to upload a representative subset of their data.