Ninth Midwest Artificial intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference
Ninth Midwest Artificial intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference
Traditionally, a decision support system is built to help a broad range of users in their decision making. However, there are some domains such as air traffic control, the nuclear industry, and certain military tasks, where it is critical that particular individuals make correct judgements for the safety of themselves and others. For such people, it is possible that a decision support system tailored to their own individual way of working can help them in their decision making tasks. Decision makers in such environments can be viewed as using naturalistic decision making methods, and cognitive models of such people performing a simulated electronic warfare task have been implemented using the Soar architecture, for inclusion in a decision support system. This task was chosen because it displays the characteristics most relevant to naturalistic decision making, namely rapid decision making in complex, real-time environments.
Ninth Midwest Artificial intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference