Information Refinement and Revision for Decision Making: Modeling for Diagnostics, Prognostics, and Prediction
Papers from the 2002 AAAI Spring Symposium
The development of specific Decision Support Systems has been a common practice in distinct areas, such as Medicine, Engineering, and Finance. These systems has been used to help decision making in particular situations, in which the information complexity difficult an optimal human decision. The idea of this work is to propose a general auxiliary system whose main objective is to assist the decision maker in the task of testing and implementing his particular project or plan. The prognostic about the best solution is made in accordance with important criteria (the criteria and alternatives are defined by the system user). That analysis will be performed with the support of a Fuzzy Multicriteria System. A Case Base Reasoning prototype module is also included as an important learning mechanism. The objective of this last module is to increase the level of assistance, making possible to the users recover past similar cases comparing with new situations presented. This paper presents the innovative combination of three important mechanisms in a graphical interactive system that helps the decision maker in all the decision process. The application’s generality enables its employment in distinct fields, in accordance with the decision maker requirements.
Papers from the 2002 AAAI Spring Symposium