Applying Inductive Logic Programming to Predicting Gene Function


  • Ross D. King



One of the fastest advancing areas of modern science is functional genomics. This science seeks to understand how the complete complement of molecular components of living organisms (nucleic acid, protein, small molecules, and so on) interact together to form living organisms. Functional genomics is of interest to AI because the relationship between machines and living organisms is central to AI and because the field is an instructive and fun domain to apply and sharpen AI tools and ideas, requiring complex knowledge representation, reasoning, learning, and so on. This article describes two machine learning (inductive logic programming [ILP])-based approaches to the bioinformatic problem of predicting protein function from amino acid sequence. The first approach is based on using ILP as a way of bootstrapping from conventional sequence-based homology methods. The second approach used protein-functional ontologies to provide function classes and a hybrid ILP method to predict function directly from sequence. Both ILP approaches were successful in producing accurate prediction rules that could biologically be interpreted. The work was also of interest to machine learning research because it highlighted the flexibility of ILP systems in dealing with heterogeneous data, the importance of problems where classes are related hierarchically, and problems where examples have more than one functional class.




How to Cite

King, R. D. (2004). Applying Inductive Logic Programming to Predicting Gene Function. AI Magazine, 25(1), 57.


