AAAI-08 offers a host of programs and opportunities just for students. Among those offered are the following:
- The Scholar and Volunteer Program
- The Doctoral Consortium
- The Abstract and Poster Program
- Conference Housing for Students
Student Abstract and Poster Program
The goal of the AAAI-08 Student Abstract and Poster program is to provide a forum in which students can present and discuss their work during its early stages, meet some of their peers who have related interests, and introduce themselves to more senior members of the field. The program is open to all pre-Ph.D students. Nonstudent advisors or collaborators should be acknowledged appropriately, as coauthors or otherwise. However, students were requested to honor the spirit of the program by submitting only work for which they are primary investigators.
The AAAI/SIGART Doctoral Consortium
The organizers of the Doctoral Consortium invite all students to attend and participate in the Doctoral Consortium, whether or not they applied to present their work. In previous years, many nonpresenting students said they found it useful to observe their peers’ presentations and to participate in the ensuing discussions.
Student Scholar and Volunteer Program
The Student Volunteer Program is an essential part of the conference and student participation is a valuable contribution. Volunteers will support AAAI organizers in Chicago. In 2008, a limited number of complimentary technical program registrations were made available for students who volunteer during the conference. Preference was given to student scholars for the volunteer positions. Local students or students not requiring travel assistance were allowed to apply for the Volunteer Program if openings are available. AAAI membership is required for eligibility. For further information regarding the Student Volunteer Program, please contact AAAI at